Kais Gold buyers flow various factors that influence the process of evaluating your diamonds.
When valuing diamonds or Diamond Rings, the 4Cs include the clarity, color, the cut and carat weight of the diamond. Each factor is discussed in detail below to provide you a better understanding.
Just like brands and models in machines, diamonds vary when it comes to cuts. The finishing done and proportions of a stone is what a cut refers to. In some instances, the cut is referred to as a stone’s make. Since diamonds are associated with aesthetics and beauty, the fine finish or cut of a diamond may make a difference of about 50% in the price. A diamond which has a better finish tends to provide a better reflection. When observed under light, light rays disperse better and more clearly, making the stone more valuable. After the diamond is sourced from the mine, the cut will have a huge influence on its beauty.
It should also be noted that each diamond is different from the other because of its cut. A diamond’s cut can diminish or enhance its value. This is one of the reasons why so many diamond dealers and Diamond Buyers prefer to purchase diamonds that they can first see. The cut can be quite unpredictable. What this means is that diamonds sourced from a single mine of similar quality may vary in prices after the cutting process. Diamonds that are badly cut will be sold at low prices. For diamond dealers, it is quite tricky to cut diamonds. Two things make a huge difference; the make and the weight retention because the diamond will sometimes sell because of its weight and at other times the cut will be considered first before the weight. Balancing both of these aspects is important.
When valuing any type of valuable stone as well as precious metals like gold, weight is an important factor. The same holds true even for diamonds. Measurements always have standard units. For diamonds, weight is measured in carat. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams.
Other than the standard carats, it should also be noted that diamonds also have different categories for pricing based on their weights. Price jumps should be expected when dealing with diamonds that are over certain thresholds. Since definite weights make it easier to sell, you will find that a diamond weighing 1.00 carat will cost more than 0.99 carat diamond by more than 50% even though there is only a very slight difference. This price difference will be there even if you don’t notice any size differences.
The quality difference will also affect a diamond’s value. Compare two diamonds with different weighs but similar size. The heavier one might have a slightly higher value. This emphasizes the point that size and weight are quite important when valuing a stone.
Diamonds are available in two colours- fancy coloured and cape series. Most of the high quality diamonds are cape series. These diamonds have some features that make them very different from fancy coloured stones like yellow body colour traces that gradually fluctuate from yellow ‘Z’ to colourless ‘D’. Fancy coloured stones also have certain colours like blue, red, purple and pink. The colourless grades make it to the top of the list when it comes to value.
To determine a stone’s colour accurately, a comprehensive laboratory assessment is necessary to compare it with the registered diamonds. Since colour differences are generally very subtle, an international colour grading scale is followed to ensure that the results are internationally standard. Each country has a standardization authority that verifies colour grading. For Australia, it is the DCLA lab.
For diamonds to form under the earth’s surface, a huge amount of heating is required through volcanic activity. Most diamonds, under such conditions, end up having impurities like crystals and feathers as well as fractures. The volume of such imperfections will affect the stone’s clarity when it is graded. Qualified gemmologists grade diamonds in laboratories.
Like with colour grading, clarity grading will represent a variety of quality levels since each diamond is different. Diamonds must be examined visually since it is usually the best way to determine its clarity.
Other than these four important aspects of valuing and grading diamonds, there are many other factors that influence the final value of a stone such as the transparency, fluorescence and shape of a stone.
Shape of the Diamond
When the 4Cs are all the same, there are other factors that a diamond buyer should consider when selecting a diamond or Diamond Rings. The shape of the diamond is an important factor to consider. Quite a lot of people purchase a certain stone because of its beautiful shape when compared to shapeless pieces that are sold in the market. The cutting process is mainly responsible for badly shaped diamonds with low value. Most diamonds tend to lose weight during this shaping process. This also leads to value loss. Certain shapes tend to be more popular with buyers compared to others and this will also affect the diamond’s value.
A diamond’s transparency will affect the way it disperses and conducts light. Taking this into consideration, quite a lot of people would look for cloudiness or haziness to determine how clear a stone is. Hazy or cloudy pieces are less valuable and therefore less popular.
One of the most interesting aspects of diamonds is their fluorescence and also the reason why diamonds are so unique. Fluorescence is a natural attribute that causes diamonds to glow when they are exposed under ultra violet light. Under this fluorescence diamonds get their outstanding glow and beauty. There are plenty of ultra violet rays present in the natural sun rays. When exposed to such rays, diamonds glow and glitter in several different colours. Blue is the most visible and glaring among these colours. However, in certain cases fluorescence will also affect the stone’s transparency when it appears to be cloudy or hazy.
Shop 5/250 Pitt Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
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Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 4:30pm
Saturday, 9:30 to 1pm
Sunday Closed
Phone(02) 9264 4444